J. Wayne Rhine's www.wrhine.com
Internet site Copyright Statement.


These web pages are publications and have the same copyright protection as more established ink-on-paper publications such as books, newspapers and magazines.


All of the photographs have been 'handled' by me.
Some of the photos needed to have the color corrected. People do not look good with green faces.
Several of the older photos were missing large corners and had scratches.
One photo had a large black line crossing several people.
I spent hours fixing and correcting all the photographs.

I claim this web site "http://www.wrhine.com" & take full responsibility and credit for its content.


The following is from my FAQ page.

2. Are all the images and graphics used in this site yours?

The short answer is:

No. Also see my copyright statement (This document)

The long answer is:

I used many photographs that were generously donated by my relations for my personal files and for use in these pages. Donators, in no particular order, The McGowan girls (Kristi, Amy, Kim), Ruth McGowan, Jules A. Rhine, Jules & Alma Rhine, James Rhine, Gilbert Cantlin, K. Theresa Rapp, Kathy Thomason, Betsy McKinney, Dorothy Satrapa.

Photographs from the following collections are also being used.

a. The collection of Carl (1894-1986) and Viola Sutter (1894-1980), is the source for the Coffman and Sutter and related lines.

b. The collection of Bertha Rapp (1902-1987) generously shared by Robert Rapp.

To anyone I have not included in this list, I apologize for the omission. Please remind me and you will be included.

I am always open for more donations.

I take responsibility for all text on my site.(http://www.wrhine.com)

The presentation of the genealogical information is my work. The collecting of all this information was done by several people.
This information is presented to you with the purpose of sharing. You find some info you need to fill out your family tree and than help me fill in my blanks.


This is my web site. I have worked many long hours to get it to look as nice as it does. If you want something ask me first.


Enjoy Shaking Your Family Tree
J. Wayne Rhine

How do you contact me?

Email me at:


Any further need for communication can be worked out from there.


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Last updated on 19 May 2002
By J. Wayne Rhine